10 Popular PHP Frameworks

  • PHP frameworks are widely known as functional platform and help creating any complex application easily and quickly.
  • Most PHP developers are choosing PHP frameworks since it is a brilliant platform for coding applications and provides a definite structure and environment to develop your project in a speedy manner. It’s also a peerless web development practice will completely helps to increase the scalability and to build top quality web pages.

1. Laravel 


This is one of the perfect frameworks to meet numerous programming needs of various different projects in a timely manner. As it is packed with many Symfony components, it enables the PHP developers to come up with a solid framework which finally ends with creating excellent codes.

2. Cake PHP


Another fantastic PHP framework that PHP developer should check out for this year is CakePHP 3.0. It has upgraded components, enhanced session management, ORM improvements and etc. It provides options to develop standalone libraries through increase modularity.

3. Symfony


Symfony is an amazing and well known PHP Framework, highly demanded for its high responsive features, stability and simplicity. It has everything required to build websites by utilizing the best practices including reusable components and many more.

4. Code Igniter


CodeIgniter is the popular and impressive PHP framework with a tiny footprint, specially designed for developers who want to create full-featured web applications at ease. It also offers a rich set of components to design elegant range of web applications with utmost perfection.

5. Yii Framework


If you are the one searching for the best PHP frameworks in 2015 then go ahead with Yiiframework. It is high in speed and more secured to develop your PHP projects within the limited time span. Its high compatibility and caching support with AJAX, makes it a right choice for PHP developers to develop good quality web pages.

6. Zend Framework


For enterprise level projects, Zend frameworks are ideal choice. It is an open source framework that uses object oriented code. Hence, it is high in performance and extensible as well as more secured.

7. Phalcon 


Phalcon is a full-stack PHP framework written using C/C++ for performance optimization. Its creative architecture makes it the fastest PHP framework to develop any kind of websites.

8. FuelPHP


PHP developers can develop their projects using FuelPHP which is absolutely simple and flexible MVC framework. Fuel PHP is a powerful, efficient and supportive PHP framework that helps to build unbelievable sites.

9. Aura


Aura comprises of a collection of superior quality, well-tested, independent library packages and etc which can be efficiently used in any code base. Every library package is self contained and doesn’t depend on any other package.

10. PHPixie


PHP developers, who are looking for a lightweight PHP framework, can choose PHPixie which is based on the MVC pattern which assist you to design applications with extreme speed. It is easy to learn and execute impeccable web application.